Thursday, 31 May 2007

Love Quiz: Part 2

Especially for News! :) :)

Fourth Quiz: Who is your boyfriend from News??

Hmm..ani mahal ni nah! Matte! I answer the quiz dulu lah ah.. to double check! I answered already just now.. and i am satisfied with my answer.. but i will redo it again ah.. jap ahh..! *brb*

YES! I got it! I got it!! I got the same answer twice and thrice!! huhuhuhu~~~~ weeeeee....

My Boyfriend from News is K.U.S.A.N.O!!!! KUSANO!!!

Match sama pilihan ku last time kan? kan? kan? You know yg i was love-tagged by Lisa-Chan! Yg i said i would go for Kusano as boyfriend? Remember that? Heee.. samaa!!

So jodoh tah kali banar aku sama si Kusano! mwahahahaha! bahaagiaaaaa~~~~~~~ 0_o!

Fifth Quiz: Find your NEWS!

Ani ganjil! i think i should try to be with this guy.

I don't expect it to be like this! Nande? Nande?

where's my Ryo? can i have him?? -_-?

i better try the quiz again! to satisfy.. balik2.. and jeng! the same guy!

: Your chance with Yamapi is good
p/s: and what does suppose to mean?
Shee with Pi? seswai kah? luan hensem bah ya ani.. iatah pakah nya ku inda mau atu! huhuhu~

Waaahh! of all people.. kenapa si Pi??? why? why? i don't mind plang actually to have a date with him.. haha udah atu.. baru becakap! but then... the previous post.. i was having a date with Kame and Jin! Pi's two bestfriend!!! wawawa... i won't betray that two just because of Pi. benerin deh!

Well.. i know i like their group plang. Shuuji to Akira. it's best! and i'm okay with Pi. That was before I knew Kame. huhu~ *sigh* i'm torn.

If like this no, okeh. i will go out with Kusano saja. Tengkiu!


TEPPEI!!!!!!!!!! I will stick to by Teppei's side forever and ever ^__^ i lebius Teppei!

So making up my mind, i will stick to my cute Teppei!

TEPPEI!! Kawaii, ne?? Aishiteru.....! ^^

Ja ne~!


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