Thursday, 28 June 2007

G.O.D's Love

Malar ceta pasal Jipun, Jipun.. karang langu kamu baca kan? I'm okay with it. They are my love.. but let's talk about my another love, before I start to forget about them completely. lol.

Lama dah i inda keep in touch with my love from negeri yang satu ani. huhuhu~

Let's have some video-spam i guess!

Talking about G.O.D, you guys know them kan... inda kan inda kan? I've been talking a lot about them in my blog. So masa ni, i lazy sangat nak bagitau siapa durang? nanti lah i post about them, ey? I still have Teppei's Love to be published. and I belum buat pun. Gomen~ Teppei. i sayang u is the very-very.

Anyhoots, for now.. enjoy this video which G.O.D teach old people singing their song. It was so hilarious, and I have watched it for i don't know.. 10th time probably.. or more than 10. and everytime I watched this video, it never failed to make me laugh.

Especially yang that grandma yang buat part Danny. RAP YO~! Hebaaat! kalah aku tu lai~! =p lol.


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